Forum rules
All advice given here is advice from persons using these forums,these opinions are not of the websites owners,and must be used at own discretion.
nwdatsuns does not verify the accuracy of given advice
This section is for informational How to's
Including, how to on datsuns, general technical, fabrication, electrical etc. Not limited to those, but for real information.
The how to make eggs and sammiches should go under General Discussion, as those topics aren't indexed for searches.
Ni10 wrote:^ howd you do that. I tried it 3 diff ways and still am Fnnn up.
Hit POST REPLY and look up in the right top corner just above the big white square text box... says youtube inside a box. Click on it and... [youtube][/youtube] will display in your text .
Previously (or now) go to youtube and find the tube you want. At the top of your browser it will display (for my First 8 Second Skyline)
Highlight everything after the = sign OR.... IgbnfdnuSKE ... press CTRL + C and come back to NWD. Insert IgbnfdnuSKE between the [youtube] here [/youtube] signs by pressing CTRL + V and post your youtube vid
There may be other ways and I do not explain it well.
Last edited by datsunmike on Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Datsuns, like good friends, have never let me down. At least in any way that was not understandable and thus fixable.