CHEAP and easy wiper linkage bushing replacement

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PDX Matt
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CHEAP and easy wiper linkage bushing replacement


Post by PDX Matt »

If your linkage is anything like mine, the plastic bushings have either broken or worked their way loose. My issue was both and earlier today when I quickly turned the wipers on/off I heard the inevitable snap. Took off the cowl and indeed my 30+ year old bushing had broken. I was afraid that I was going to have to special order some specific parts online but decided to check out my local auto stores anyways. I actually find a solution that's cheap and effective.

I found an assorted wiper linkage bushing kit at O'Reilly's made by HELP! Part number is 49447.

Inside there are various bushings, however the one you need is this one. The new one compared to the broken original.


The assortment costs $4.50 and includes 3 of the bushings shown above. Fits perfectly and got my wipers functioning once more. If anyone needs a cheap and simple replacement for their wiper linkage bushings I recommend going this route.
Last edited by PDX Matt on Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHEAP and easy wiper linkage bushing replacement


Post by flatcat19 »

Good post, Matt!
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