Easy swap seats into a 68-73 510,

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Easy swap seats into a 68-73 510,


Post by 510freak »

Are those 40 year old 510 seats to wore out( I swapped a pair of 2006 PT Cruiser seats,on the cheap)

If you can find a set of PT Cruiser seats from a local recycling yard
Remove the hardware from the seat bases leaving rails attached to seats


This is the hardware removed


On the 510 there are the brackets that bolt to the floor of the 510, the out board(closest to the door on both sides) Needs to be moved inward,Undo the nuts that hold the brackets to the floor, move the outer fixed bolt on the bracket, to the inboard hole ,drill a new inboard hole(floor) and on the front cross brace drill a new hole.
set seats on brackets lightly tighten bolts(supplied by PT Cruiser) then slide seats forward at the rear the PT seats have 2 fixed nuts on the sliders(ignore) just forward of those are 2 dimples,Drill new holes in the center of those 2 dimples and the rear of the bracket will bolt to the slider (using the 510 seat holes on the brackets)Use supplied PT bolts and the 510 washers etc)

It took less that 2hrs start to finish
no hardware to purchase, No welding, Cutting.Or special tools required
Just a simple clean install.
These seats are the same width as the 510 seats(alot of seats look goofy as they are to wide etc)They also are not putting your head through the headliner(too tall)
The base seat height is 1/4 to 1/2 inch taller than a stock seat(from slider to top of the base)

Nice firm seats,For little money..(good for those of us that have bad backs) excellent lumbar support.


They have inboard armrests too :cool:

Tools needed

12 mm Wrench
13 mm Wrench
12 mm Socket
13 mm Socket
3/8 rachet
Philips screw driver
Taterhead » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:35 am wrote:[quote="Taterhead » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:41 pm

Sorry, I was channeling my inner flatcat.
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Re: Easy swap seats into a 68-73 510,


Post by izzo »

Nice man.

I heard the PT cruisers were easy install. The neon seats are pretty easy to install also. So are MR2 seats. Dude I bought my seats from cut the tabs, though. So stuck welding stuff now :\
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Re: Easy swap seats into a 68-73 510,


Post by Freaky5fukinten »

Sweet write up !!!
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