So what do you do when you get a year end bonus for kicking ass at NAPA? You buy a new car!! I almost sold everything for a 2004 Mazdaspeed Miata, but decided to go with my more frugal ideas. Craigslist Maxima for $400 obo. Picked it up for $260, drug it home, after lunch, going to put a new battery in it, replace a battery cable, and see if she starts!
Make no mistake, this is a haggard turd, but aside from some rust-holed rockers and dents and an interior full of shit, it has potential. Time will tell if it's going to be a good buy, or if it goes to Pull and Save due to too many things needing attention. I'm hoping to have it running today to figure out if it's going to be a driver relatively soon. Then I can be as cool as Pumpkin!

Speaking of which, is he on NW Datsuns, or is he still doing that Failbook stuff?