I'm familiar with vacuum pumps on diesels. Often they take the place of what would have been a distributor and also act as the oil pump drive. I've never worked on an LD so I didn't even consider the alt being integrated with the vacuum pump. Just assumed it was probably in the distributors location. Learn something new every day.
That makes 2 of us making assumptions -.-
Draynor came over to raid my alt stash and I set him up with what I thought he needed. But when he called and said the alt in his maxi had vacuum lines running to it I was baffled for a min, but then it dawned on me....
-.- damn diesels
pits, tits, tats, dats, and good times yo...... dont need nothing else in life
flatcat19 wrote:For the people; By the people; In the name of all that is Datsun!
Learned a few things. Like not to rely on others diagnostics. I keep doing that...
Maxima is mostly good to go!
It was reported to me the alternator was not charging, or maybe not enough. 13V was mentioned. Something bothered me. Also realize almost NOTHING WORKS in the car. So I think, well maybe the Alternator just isn't being excited. By this time the old brushes were out. I managed to get new ones installed. While I was poking around under the hood, I see a cover, pull it, hmm those look like fusible links. Tap tap tap, "WTF the headlights flickered" someone said. Hmm, I played with the link some more, got the lights to perma stay on. Sure enough the headlight switch was on. Hmm. I leave and tell Derek to assemble the alternator and put back in. I went through the fusebox, and checked if anything was grounding. All the ignition fuses were... I kinda disassembled some stuff and it wasn't grounded anymore. Sorta cleaned the fusible link. Sure enough, all dash lights worked. Glow plugs cycled. Lights worked. Car started. Battery read 13.02V and maybe climbing? Hmm, well lets check at the alternator. 14.5V. YES! Car off the battery said 12.6V. So it is charging. All lights are nice and bright. Everything seems to be working alright... So slapped some ZX 6 spokes on with some super meaty tires. Car looks mean, and rubs in the back...
So some things still need to be diagnosed. But its working for now, and Things will be figured out now that we know everything works.
I am a a lot jelly! That car is cool as phuk!
Better watch them Oregon gas attendants....wind up with a tank of ethanol crap fuel in your diesel, no bueno.