Install Isuzu pickup seats in a D21 hardbody

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Install Isuzu pickup seats in a D21 hardbody


Post by Taterhead »

First off let me say that this is my first "how to" so if someone knows a better way of doing some of this, please chime in. I know that alot of you could do this without help from a thread, but this is the most recent Datsun/Nissan related thing I've done and wanted to contribute.

Secondly, this is the redneck engineered way of installing these seats so take that into consideration. A friend had already bought them so we made them work.

He claims he took them out of an '85 D21 althought the D21 body style wasn't until '86 (I think it was an Isuzu & he is just mistaken).
But they would not just bolt in.

The seats going in:

Remove the bench seat

Remove the 2 seat rails from the bench seat and using a hammer, knock out the mounting screws (seen below)

Remove the seat rails from the Isuzu seats (all 4). The seat frames have a nut tack welded inside the frame whereas the Nissan bench seat does not. You'll need to use the seat rails from the bench seat to line up the holes on the outer rails. The Isuzu rails are not long enough. Also, evidently the truck the seats came from has a completely horizontal floor rail that the seats bolt to, unlike the Hardbody one which is raised in the middle for the trans tunnel.

Since the bench seat only has 2 rails and the buckets have 4, the seats will be stationary and will not adjust. You could probably use some sort of spacer between the seat rails and the frame and use the original seat rails for the Isuzu seats but the outer side would have to be about 2 inches higher to accomidate for the trans tunnel hump & I think it would raise the seats too high for most drivers.

After removing the rails from the buckets mount the Nissan rails to the outer side of the seat frame. I used the factory hole in the front and drilled a hole in the Nissan rail for the rear bolt to go through so it will mount to the seat where the nut is tack welded on the inside of the Isuzu seat frame.

With the Nissan seat rails mounted, place them in the truck and line up the holes on the rails to where they mount from the factory. Mark where the hole for the rear of the seat (the hole where the tack welded nut is inside the seat frame) is on the floor.(nearest to the trans tunnel) Now is the time to adjust the seat rails to where it is comfortable to you since you will not be able to adjust them later. This will determine where the rear hole will be. It should be very close to a bolt that is in the floor for reasons unknown to me.

Drill a hole through the floor where you just marked it.

Passenger side - pen is pointing to the hole I drilled.

Drivers side - drill bit is pointed to the hole that I drilled

Next, take an angle grinder to the nut that is tack welded to the bottom of the truck. Otherwise you will not be able to line up a bolt through the floor into the Isuzu seat frame (the tack welded nut on the inside of the seat frame).

Passenger side

Drivers side
The seats are already mounted in these pics so you see the bolts I used to mount the seats but you get the idea.

Put the seats in place and use spacers between the floor and the seat frame. My redneck ass used washers on both seats.

You will need at least 2 inch bolts. Line these up and get them started first as they are harder to line up than the other factory mount holes.
The front of the seats will not be mounted to anything since the frames are not touching anything.

Basically they will only be mounted in 3 places. The seats feel secure though.

They are pretty comfortable and I adjusted the seat rails all the way back and the driving position is spot on for me (5 ft 10) and my buddy who owns the truck (5ft 8).


Yes we changed out the seat belt receptacles as well since the old ones were broken.

I understand it would have been a whole lot easier if we would have just sourced D21 extended cab bucket seats but there weren't any at the JY and these were. Hope this helps someone out.
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Re: Install Isuzu pickup seats in a D21 hardbody


Post by BLUE »

Good work on the how-to James !
Practical is good :thumbs:
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Re: Install Isuzu pickup seats in a D21 hardbody


Post by izzo »

Very good.

That really isn't red necked. I see that there is a giant plate there because of the old weld nut. So no washer needed. If there was just the thin metal I would suggest a wide based "Fender washer" as they call them at home depot. Or get some flat steel so it spreads the load out in case of OHFUCK situation.

Thanks man!
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Re: Install Isuzu pickup seats in a D21 hardbody


Post by Taterhead »

Yeah, I didn't use a washer on the bottom for that reason. IIRC that steel plate is above the cross brace for the carrier bearing.
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