Decent shape!
Just changed oil, spark plug, air filter. Valves adjusted. Carb cleaned / set to factory specs. Fires first kick!
New master link
Brakes adjusted. Front's are down a ways. Still catch good but will need replaced by next summer if rode often.
Tires have tread
Clutch is good
Missing front number plate
Tear in seat, covered now
Missing a spoke on rear rim.
First up first kick, goes in all gears fine. Revs out nice. Restricter on muffler has been removed for a little moar power. Scoots me down the road about 50/55mph. Would go a little faster if you replaced with different geared sprockets. First gear crawls around 5mph... So I been using 2nd gear to start out.
Decent bike. Checked CL. see them listed from 900-1200. I put this on CL for 1000. 800 / Offer to any NWD member. And of course, that's OBO.
Trades!! Of course trades... This is me we're talking about....
Trade for... Quad.. Honda/kawi/yamaha/suzuki maybe even a polaris quad.
Other bikes...
B12 or earlier sentra?
Any datsun car/truck
720 King cab....
Interested in part trades too. Cool 4/6 lug wheels with good tread and some cash maybe?
I am in need of a known good L motor.. So maybe some wheels and an L motor? oooor.... You get the idea...
Pics are in order from when I got it. It's since been washed and cleaned. Chain is now installed. Carb has been cleaned etc....