S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipers)

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S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipers)


Post by BLUE »

DISCLAIMER: --- If you do not feel comfortable or have not done brakes before then it may be a good idea to get help. Even though this is a rather straight forward task... this should not be attempted without some words of caution or experience in braking/hydraulic systems in general. A re-built brake caliper or wheel cylinder can always be a danger issue and should be repaired immediately ! With all that being said please be clean , please keep your hands AWAY from any hydraulics , use a repair manual for specifications , triple check all your work and tighten ALL bolts including your wheel lug-nuts to factory or repair manual specifications. If you arn't sure of something ... stop and ask a question or professional ... or better yet take it to a professional to have it inspected/repaired. I'm not held responsible for any consequences occurred , and this is for informational purposes only. All that being said have fun and enjoy !

I just got done rebuilding my s30 front calipers , and decided to share.

My main goal was to re-freshen and clean the brake system in my 240z.

We all know that brake systems can work ... just what percentage or ability will they work when they are truly needed ?

I suspected mine to be slightly gummy (no hanging or pulling just a sneaky suspicion on my part)

Yes these calipers are cheap just to buy and replace regardless.

STEP 1: --- obtain a pair of donor calipers or prepare you current set.

I opted to pull a spare set off a pair of spare struts.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 001 by 71240z, on Flickr

The wet part was from the hardline dripping down when disconnected.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 002 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 2: --- having equipment to push the pistons out.

You can either use hydraulics (like I'm doing) , air , or grease to push out the caliper pistons.

(Whatever you do BE CAREFUL ... Keep your eyes , hands , and body away from the pistons especially if using air or fighting a stuck piston.)

In S30 front calipers there are (2) pistons total.

This picture is my 12-ton press holding a 200sx clutch/brake pedal bracket with the 200sx clutch master hooked up directly to the donor s30 caliper via the hardline.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 003 by 71240z, on Flickr

Somebody could even use the brake line/brake master off their own s30 if they were sneaky enough about it... [:sneaky:]

At this point I went ahead and filled the Clutch master cylinder with DOT-3 brake fluid.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 004 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 3: --- Grab a 10mm flare nut wrench , and hooking up the clutch master hard line to caliper.

If using air... that will be self-explanatory as will a grease gun.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 005 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 4: --- Go ahead and carefully ,,,, and slowly pump the clutch pedal with your hand. (or air compression ... or grease gun if you're using those methods instead :) ).

You DON'T want (1) piston to pop out much farther and faster than the other.

The key is to wedge and get them both loose while still have a seal on the piston for each side.

I used wrenches in a pinch in the picture , but you'll want to use something softer like wood or even an even steel plate/brake pad will be fine.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 006 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 5: --- As soon as you believe both pistons are as far as they'll go EQUALLY (key term and goal here) without breaking their seal ... go ahead and pop out one piston then pull it out. (keep hands free and clear !)

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 007 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 6: --- There will be a mess just remember that.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 011 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 7: --- Go ahead and carefully pull out the other piston.

At this point you've lost your hydraulic pressure , and this would happen if you had used air pressure or the grease gun method as well. ( remember not suppose to use petroleum products on , in , or near brake systems even for cleaning !!! )

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 012 by 71240z, on Flickr

Set down both pistons on a soft surface. I'd recommend keeping the dust-boot retaining springs until you verify your new ones are BETTER than the old ones [;)]

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 013 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 8: --- Inspect pistons.

Determine whether you believe the caliper pistons are re-usable or not.

In the pictures below (1) of my pistons just need to be cleaned up a touch in a couple areas and the other was near perfect (where it counts).

I decided to re-use them both.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 014 by 71240z, on Flickr

Don't let the picture deceive you ... this piston isn't bad really.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 015 by 71240z, on Flickr

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Last edited by BLUE on Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

STEP 9: ---- inspect the piston sealing surfaces and caliper bores.

Piston sealing surface looks GOOD [:thumbup:]

Notice (in the picture below) that the piston does not have a seal installed on it.

It's because the calipers have the seal installed in the bore not the piston ( in-case anyone was curious ).

(Dust shield and retainer spring are at the top).

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 016 by 71240z, on Flickr

this sealing surface is good as well. some *slight* scuff on it , but very little in reality.

Have no reservations on re-using.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 017 by 71240z, on Flickr

bore on one-side needed a little clean-up (not anywhere near what the picture depicts it to be ... remember rust is easily mistake for varnish/gum and visa verica)

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 030 by 71240z, on Flickr

other side doesn't need anything. Looks good !

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 035 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 10: --- Clean the pistons and bores AS well as the hydraulic passages (take caliper apart).

Bleeder valves and seats need attention as well.

I also used a little 600-grit sand-paper in some areas just for a very LIGHT clean up (won't hurt a thing on this configuration and setup).

Remember... you're only suppose to clean brake systems with brake fluid and or compressed air (recommended to my understanding).

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 037 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 11: --- While cleaning everything DON'T forget to take out the old caliper piston seal from the bore !

A sharp pick and or small screw-drive as well as a steady hand shall do the trick.

Make sure the machined groove in the bore is cleaned well.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 038 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 039 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 041 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 12: --- After everything has been cleaned , and your piston is waiting to go back into the bore...

go ahead and re-install the piston seal at this point.

Make sure to pre-lube it with either Brake Fluid or APPROVED caliper grease (do your homework to make sure it's safe to use [;)] )

I personally just used brake fluid and generously applied (not to much or you'll be fighting it on install !! )

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 043 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 13: --- Go ahead and pickup then lubricate your piston with some DOT-3 brake fluid and simply gently as well as squarely push it into the bore.

(NOTE --- This is much easier to do if this style of caliper is un-bolted as in both halves are seperated).

I'd recommend to open up the bleeder valve as well before trying to push it in too far.

You can put the dust-boot on now ... or later ... I found it didn't matter that much , but if you install later it lessens the chances of it being damaged in the process.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 042 by 71240z, on Flickr

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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

STEP 14: --- Next we do the dust-boot and retainer install.

I simply to the caliper in my 12-press again to hold it while I was working (3rd and 4th hand so to speak).

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 044 by 71240z, on Flickr

Push down on the lip all the way around to make sure the dust boot as sealed on the piston lip as well as the caliper lip perimeters.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 046 by 71240z, on Flickr

Gran your dust boot retainer ring and install it.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 045 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 050 by 71240z, on Flickr

STEP 15: --- Do all this mentioned above from the start ^^^ to your other caliper and you end result is (2) rebuilt calipers.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 051 by 71240z, on Flickr

Feel free to install them on your ride.

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 058 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 062 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 063 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 064 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 070 by 71240z, on Flickr

Blue Z-car front caliper brake rebuild 071413 072 by 71240z, on Flickr

The end results for me were more balanced and smoother braking.
I know for sure my system is as close as it will get to being 100% ( in stock s30 form ) and you know what ? it's pretty good !
I am sold as well as satisfied ! , and I hope some of this helps another datto guy.

Thanks for reading

DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by datsunmike »

Good stuff. I did a set of Toyota 4x4 4 piston calipers years ago. Took a long time to find a set that didn't have rusty pistons or bores. Cost was just the kits, about $20 and they work just great. Nice pictures and this would apply to just about any caliper, thanks for this.
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

datsunmike wrote:Good stuff. I did a set of Toyota 4x4 4 piston calipers years ago. Took a long time to find a set that didn't have rusty pistons or bores. Cost was just the kits, about $20 and they work just great. Nice pictures and this would apply to just about any caliper, thanks for this.
I appreciate that datsunmike ! :thumbs:
Oh yeah exactly... you hit the nail on the head with trying to find the "perfect rebuildable set" when caliper hunting.

It was hard keeping the hydraulic fluid off the camera lens ... :lol:
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by RedBanner »

A+ pops this is a great howto.
wayno » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:40 pm wrote: Everything is either tight or actually rubbing.
Taterhead » Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:29 pm wrote:Datsun gods will give you one working gauge, gasoline or speedometer; you can't have both.
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by izzo »

Damn good write up David.

When I replace the front caliper on the B. I will show you guys what a fubared no good one looks like....
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

RedBanner wrote:A+ pops this is a great howto.
Thanks Banner(son) 8-) .. :thumbs:
izzo wrote:Damn good write up David.

When I replace the front caliper on the B. I will show you guys what a fubared no good one looks like....
Thanks Tim I appreciate that ! :thumbs:

errr hope yours are good to use man.
I thought mine were going to be fubar as well before starting to be 100% honest... :lol: :D
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by izzo »

last winter I remember pulling the brakes out while it was still bolted down... and the rubber boot was torn and i saw some rust around the piston.... It's not good lol But doesnt stick and still drives....
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

izzo wrote:last winter I remember pulling the brakes out while it was still bolted down... and the rubber boot was torn and i saw some rust around the piston.... It's not good lol But doesnt stick and still drives....
oh.. that sucks .. a little is gonna happen ya got it covered :thumbs:

You gonna try to pop it out and re-seal or just toss on another caliper ?
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by izzo »

haha no, new loaded caliper seems like the thing to do.
8========D ~~~ ( o Y o )
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

izzo wrote:haha no, new loaded caliper seems like the thing to do.
Yup this guy knows it ^^^ It really is !!
I did mine for the experience ,,, and well ,,, I have (3) sets to do ... :lol: .. a bit cheaper for me though in the end really because of this.
(if all calipers are fine haha we all know that slippery slope..)

If you ever get the itch sometime..
The Wagner thermo-quiet Ceramic disc brake pads I REALLY quite like for the money.
I use.. to use "Raysbestos Professional Grade Plus" on everything (they lasted a long time.. still use them) until I ran into these :thumbs:
DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by izzo »

Well. Brakes, steering and a little suspension, is really not something I want to dick around with. I might take a short cut hooking up a stereo.. But never ever skimp out on brakes, steering etc...

I bought a set of what I thought was Moog brand ball joints for the B... They got here, and were like DMC or some off brand. I googled the brand, and I only saw one case where someone had them installed, got out of the parking lot and they broke. I took them outside and tossed them in the dumpster. Yeah, they broke on a full size toyota... So the B should be fine.. Am I going to risk it? Nope...
8========D ~~~ ( o Y o )
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devilsbullet wrote: 1400 obo. and best offer doesn't mean 300 bucks you cheap bastards
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Re: S30 Brake Caliper Re-build (use on many different calipe


Post by BLUE »

Yeah that's best your more aware than the average cat.
That's actually interesting on the ball-joint breaking straight out of the parking lot.. hmmm :shock:
110% agreement on that .. don't do anything you don't feel 100% on about.

Opps .. that was wrong of me to say "cheaper" or "cost savings" on brakes...
For future readers I stated that ^^^ off my 13-14 years of experience with brakes of never a problem and always triple checking
(rebuild , replace , repair , inspection , adjustment , etc ...).

It's just crazy because I can buy the 240z brake stuff of (6) calipers and (4) wheel cylinders for = $354 with cores at O-Reily's auto parts
Or I can re-build them all myself for $54 total (with the kits I bought brake fluid included) 8-) ( If they're all re-buildable though .. which I was fortunate mine are ! )

Either is a good option though ! :thumbs:
DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
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