In this How-To we'll be making a cheap dirty budget rear-main , and thrust bearing cap puller.
Required Materials
*Welder (arc/mig)
*Grinder with cut off wheel/Metal chop saw
*Drill press or drill w/drill bits.
*Safety glasses.
*Work Gloves.
*Scrap 3/16-1/4 bar stock (about 1ft will do).
*5ft of 1-inch or 3/4 square mild steel tubing.
(STEP 1) --- Building a trianglur shape to be able to bolt to the rear main , and thrust bearing caps (they are pre-threaded for this). The piece with the hole drilled in the center is what we'll be using.

A 9/32nd's bit was used I believe (it's been a while).
(STEP 2) --- Weld it all together like the picture below , and bolt it to the main cap.

(STEP 3) --- Cut (3) pieces of (1.5ft sections) of the 1-inch or 3/4-inch square tubing , and place (2) of the pieces on the block like in the picture below.

(STEP 4) --- Lay the 3rd piece that was cut in step 3 on the block like the picture below.

(STEP 5) --- Rear main cap pulling. This requires stacking (2) of the square tubes in the front braced across the block (like the picture below)) , and the third in the rear (like the picture below) , and finally sticking a pry bar through the center while lifting up to pull the cap.