See your gauges better

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See your gauges better


Post by izzo »

We all know our old datsuns are dope. But seeing the gauges at night isn't the easiest thing.

This is a simple write up / How to. You can change the colors, and bulbs to your liking.

The gauge clusters on every datsun I have seen so far is a 194 Wedge based bulb.

For my preference. I replace the stock bulbs with 220 degree Cool White LEDs. They are plenty bright, without cutting into visibility at night. You can also remove the green plastic covers to be rid of the green color. It gives it more of a modern look to the gauges.

Now, For the back lighting. You will need to know how many lights in your cluster you will need for the back lighting. Figure 3-5, but make sure. For those, here is the link to the 220 degree bulbs. ... -base/199/

You can change the color, but some colors are hard to see - Blue etc... If you want to change the gauge cluster you will HAVE to remove the green plastic covers in the gauges. It's very simple to do so.

For the dummy lights. I use these. They are just 90 degree wedge based bulbs. They point straight, and light up what have you perfectly.

You will need one blue for your bright indicator, three or four reds for your dummy lights. Turn signal indicators use a different bulb on certain cars. Some are the wedge based, some are the push in and twist kind. I can find the part if you need those. ... -base/197/

My 510 - The first time I did it.



Here's on a 620. It was a little more bright in person. But didn't cut into my ability to see at night at all.

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Re: See your gauges better


Post by jayden71 »

What do you do when you are messin around with your lights and short out the circuit board for the dash lights??

In my case, that is what I did about 4 and half years ago when I was dinkin around with the gauge cluster and all. Took it apart to clean it up and take the green shit off the lights and POOF!! Lights no worky no moar.

I'm not totally sure I smoked the whole thing or just the speedo section because I found a source that comes on with the lights.
I went to the "ricer" section of wal mart and found a 15" LED strip light. Cut the cig plug off of it and wired it into the back of the cluster where I found power. Grounded it to the metal part of the dash and this is the result...


It came out with a reflection off the glass on the temp gauge but, it don't work and I haz aftermarket one anyways.

Haven't had a single issue with it in 4plus years.
DRIVEN » Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:30 pm wrote:I think Bill might be gettin laid.
Ni10 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:56 am wrote: all Datsuns ran when parked.
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