Posting pictures - Flickr

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Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by BLUE »

(1) - Sign up and open an account with Flickr.

(2) - At the home/main screen click the upload button
1 by 71240z, on Flickr

(3) - Your screen should look like this... and just click the pink upload button at that point.
2 by 71240z, on Flickr

(4) - Select what photos you wish to upload , and click the "Open" button.
3 by 71240z, on Flickr

(5) - Uploaded screen will look like this at this point.
4 by 71240z, on Flickr

(6) - Yellow arrow = delete photo
Blue arrow = preview/closeup
Green arrow(s) = rotate photo 90-degree's and "add to sets"
Red arrow = public ... or just friends/family/private allowed status.
White arrow = Upload photos.
5 by 71240z, on Flickr

(7) - After hitting the upload button this is the screen , and notice the arrows functions.
6 by 71240z, on Flickr

(8) - This screen is your "Photostream" after uploading the previous photos (also known as the Gallery).
7 by 71240z, on Flickr

(9) - In the top right corner of the "Photostream" gallery screen is this button. Notice the links it allows to share to various social media crap places.
8 by 71240z, on Flickr

(10) - Alright in the top left corner of the same screen we're going to click on this photo (circled green).
9 by 71240z, on Flickr

(11) - Once clicked ... this is the photo/screen that you'll see next.
10 by 71240z, on Flickr

(12) - The next thing we want to do is be able to share/post via this site or another car enthusiast site. To do that look at the bottom right corner of the screen and click the button with the green arrow pointing at it. (circled green).
11 by 71240z, on Flickr

(13) - Once clicked this is what pops up next in the bottom right corner. The red arrow is what we DON'T WANT TO CLICK or use :) . Instead click the bar indicated by the green arrow that says "Grab the HTML/BBCode"
12 by 71240z, on Flickr

(14) -
13 by 71240z, on Flickr

(15) - Next once the bar is clicked. This is what you'll see on the bottom right corner of the screen. We want to select the button that is indicated "BBCode"
as shown by the green arrow and green circle.
14 by 71240z, on Flickr

(16) - Next we can choose the size of the picture we want to post on the site. For NWdatsuns I use Medium 800x500 , so that the picture isn't cut off.
15 by 71240z, on Flickr

(17) - Next just double click or highlight all of the code in the box indicated by the green arrow then right click and select COPY.
16 by 71240z, on Flickr

(18) - Image
17 by 71240z, on Flickr

(19) - Now go to your automotive enthusiasts website and right click then select PASTE. (Note: no need to hit the IMG button before pasting , just paste the link you copied naked into the box by itself ... it'll all work perfectly.)
18 by 71240z, on Flickr

(20) - If everything checks out ... you can preview the picture before posting it ..... the hit Submit once ready.
19 by 71240z, on Flickr

(21) - Final result. No part of the picture cutoff although granted it is a little smaller.
20 by 71240z, on Flickr
DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
1. Make progress until broke.
2. Go make mo money.
3. Repeat.
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by draker »

How is the flickr phone app?

Photofuckit is well..... gets worse with every update. I'm about to make the switch I think. But I gots lotsa pictures...... Should I move em?
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by BLUE »

draker wrote:How is the flickr phone app?

Photofuckit is well..... gets worse with every update. I'm about to make the switch I think. But I gots lotsa pictures...... Should I move em?
That is a good point. I haven't tried the flickr phone app since I got so frustrated with photobuckets last million times .. :lol:
I'm going to have to try it.

I think moving the pictures over to flickr is well worth it if you're willing to put in the time depending on the amount :thumbs: .
What I did... when I made the switch was just keep my photobucket pics where they are currently at ... access them on PB when needed ... and just started uploading to Flickr my current pics then kept running from there !
I probably should've/should finish transferring my picture stash over looking back , but too lazy to be honest (quite a few there).
If PB gets radical or changes for the worse I will go back to save/pull/transfer my pics over...
I will say I don't like going back to photobucket to retrieve a pic when needed :rofl: .

Hey whatever works though ya know ? :thumbs:
DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
1. Make progress until broke.
2. Go make mo money.
3. Repeat.
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by draker »

Photobucket just tried uploading every picture on my phone twice.... thanks for that. Stupid app... I just wanted to upload one single video. NOT EVERY PICTURE EVER TAKEN... :fuu:
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by BLUE »

draker wrote:Photobucket just tried uploading every picture on my phone twice.... thanks for that. Stupid app... I just wanted to upload one single video. NOT EVERY PICTURE EVER TAKEN... :fuu:
:gscot: ..

seems like their style
DRIVEN » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:24 am wrote:
1. Make progress until broke.
2. Go make mo money.
3. Repeat.
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by Taterhead »

draker wrote:Photobucket just tried uploading every picture on my phone twice.... thanks for that. Stupid app... I just wanted to upload one single video. NOT EVERY PICTURE EVER TAKEN... :fuu:

Did the same to me after this last update. I think I 'm gonna try the flickr app and see. I am never on the net unless its on my phone so it would be a bitch probably to transfer it all over to flickr. Also the link may be broken and you'd have to repost all the previous pics that you've posted. Unless you leave them and just copy the pic to flickr. Fuck I'm too lazy to do that.
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Re: Posting pictures - Flickr


Post by draker »

How can I select like 5 pictures and get all the code at once?
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