Didn't get much accomplished but still managed to waste a few hours. Started by cutting the C-notches for the rack to clear.
Then things got interesting. Now I'm not too certain that my bargain rack is exactly what it was represented to be. For starters, the power rack I have (which is the correct one for the kit) and a true Mustang manual rack are 15.5" on center of the mounts. This rack was 16". Not a huge big deal. I just opened up the mount holes 1/4" on each side.
Also, for whatever reason, the manual rack seems to sit about 1/2" higher than the power rack. It's most obvious where the bellows pass through the C-notches.
So now I'm trying to decide whether to just use the power rack as the kit was intended, use the manual rack and raise the C-notches, or lower the rack mounts. I guess I need to reassemble the suspension and compare angles. Obviously, I'm trying to avoid bumpsteer and other handling ills.
The other things I got done was to cut my rear suspension crossmember and rough out my mounting brackets. Lots of cleanup to do still.
Then I took the lower control arms to work with me to press out the stock bushings and install the new poly pieces that came with the kit. They do this to increase the size of the lower mount bolts from 12mm to 5/8".
When the only tool you have is a hammer every problem starts to look like a hippy.